In recent years, the FAIR principles have become the standard for research data and are now at the core of policies from universities, funders and publishers: European Commission, as well as other sponsors, requires funding beneficiaries to make the resulting research findings available for open access.
Therefore, managing at its best your research data is core of the research process, from the organization of research to the data collection, from the data elaboration to the dissemination of results: for this reason, FAIR data principles and transparent research data management skills are becoming increasingly significant. Even though Data Management Plans are increasingly required by institutions and funding agencies (especially the EU commission) they are not merely an administrative task. Writing your DMP as early as possible is a key step for managing your data as it allows to better organize your research project since from its beginning and ensures that you are aware of different responsibilities and rights associated to publishing research data in open access modalities. Furthermore, publishing a completed DMP can enhance the discovery, access, dissemination and reuse of your research data. Thus, a DMP can be a crucial tool to develop research data management skills for each step of the research data lifecycle, from collection to dissemination. Importantly, think about these issues:
- Openness and transparency are closely linked to the scientific method: but have you ever wondered how open can and should research be?
- Have you ever lost access to your research data and wondered how to prevent it in the future?
- Are the funders of your research project or of your grant demanding that you produce a detailed Data Management Plan?
- Have you recently started a PhD or a research project and want to skilfully manage your research data?
- Are you unsure about how to anonymize research data?
- Do you want to improve your ability to manage sensitive research data?
Find the answers to these existential questions, learn how to efficiently manage your research data according to the FAIR principles and boost your ability to write the perfect DMP by enrolling in our online training courses:
How to write a FAIR compliant Data Management Plan (DMP): beginners
This training introduces FAIR research data management, focusing on the structure and contents of a high-quality Data Management Plan (DMP), a structured document which accompanies research projects and describes the set of actions performed for the organization, preservation and sharing of research data generated and re-used in a research project. For more information, see the section dedicated to DMPs.
- The webinar is held monthly: it takes place each first Friday of the month (some dates may change subject to festivities). Next editions will be: February 07, March 07, April 04, May 09, June 06
- The seminar will start at 09.30 am and it will last about one hour plus a 15-minute session of questions and answers.
- It will be held exclusively online, via MS Microsoft Teams: those interested in attending are required to fill in the below Form to register. Once registration is closed, two days before the webinar date, you will receive the Teams link via e-mail. If you are unable to attend, please let us know and enroll in another edition.
- Languages available: Italian – English.
- Please, do take note that if the minimum number of participants for this course (3 people) is not reached, you will be notified and your registration will be taken into account for the edition of the following month.
- Research data management & FAIR principles
- The importance of a DMP for efficiently managing research data
- Structure & content of a DMP: do’s and don’ts
- UNIMI’S DMP template & the EU’s requirements for a DMP
- Data quality & security
Target audience:
PhD, Post-Doc, researchers, and Faculty
How to write a Data Management Plan (DMP): sensitive data and the ARGOS tool
The webinar explores key aspects of a DMP, such as responsibilities and rights, the ethical and legal issues related to personal and sensitive data, the reuse of third-party data, the management of data generated through multiple partners agreements. The course then introduces ARGOS, the tool provided by the European initiative OpenAIRE for the computerized compilation of DMPs. To better understand the contents of the webinar, we strongly recommend registering after having attended the introductory training on DMPs (here on the left).
- The webinar is held bimonthly: it takes place the second Friday of the month every two months (some dates may change subject to festivities). Next editions will be: May 05, June 20
- The seminar will start at 09.30 am and it will last about one hour plus a 15-minute session of questions and answers.
- It will be held exclusively online, via MS Microsoft Teams: those interested in attending are required to fill in the below Form to register. Once registration is closed, two days before the webinar date, you will receive the Teams link via e-mail. If you are unable to attend, please let us know and enroll in another edition.
- Languages available: Italian – English.
- Please, do take note that if the minimum number of participants for this course (3 people) is not reached, you will be notified and your registration will be taken into account for the edition of the following month.
- Data anonymization
- Managing sensitive data and GDPR
- Legal and ethical issues
- Third-party data re-use
- Data quality & security
- ARGOS tool
Target audience:
PhD, Post-Doc, Researchers, and Faculty (preferably, who have already attended the beginners Data@UNIMI webinar)
Registration Form DMP – beginners
Registration Form DMP – Sensitive Data and Argos
For any doubts or queries on the trainings, you can contact us at You can also check how to partecipate in our practical and disciplinary-specific workshops on RDM for SSH, STEM and LS disciplines.