Imagine investing a lot of time in developing a research project, finally publishing an academic article, and then receiving a retraction notice from the journal: your article has been retracted because the research data used in your publication was not reproducible and/or accessible. This is a typical example of what can happen when the research process fails to consider the FAIR principles. Knowing what these principles are and how to best implement them in your research is the key to successful research data management. In these research data management pratical workshops, UNIMI’s data stewards will guide you through the theory and practice of a successful research process, from the organization of research data to the dissemination of research results.

About the workshops

The practical workshops are divided into four different editions based on the major disciplinary areas: the life sciences (LS), science, technology, engineering and mathematics disciplines (STEM), the political and social sciences (SS), and the humanities(H). Each workshop provides in-depth training on the theoretical and practical aspects of research data management, combined with hands-on exercises specifically tailored to the different types of research data. The workshops are a unique opportunity to understand the peculiarities of data in one’s area of expertise, learn how to archive research data on the FAIR repository Data@UNIMI, and practice writing a Data Management Plan (DMP), helping researchers improve their data management skills and be more competitive in seeking research funding. These workshops are reserved to PhDs and early-career researchers, are held only in-person and each one is held in two editions: an English edition in spring, and an Italian edition in autumn. 

The workshops will adress questions such as:

  • What is open science and in what ways do its principles enhance research integrity, public access to research results and good science more broadly?
  • How can different types of research data be understood and managed?
  • What is a research data repository, and how can you upload, archive and share your research data with other researchers?
  • How can the loss of research data be prevented?
  • What steps need to be followed if funders or editors of a research project demand publication of research data on an open access repository?
  • What constitutes a well-written DMP?
  • What are creative common licences and how can they be applied to researchers’ specific needs?
  • What happens if someone publishes or steals your research results? Are you able to prove when the data was generated and that you did it?
  • How can sensible and personal data be protected to guarantee research ethics?
  • Have you ever read an interesting publication wondering if you could have access to the original data because it might be useful for your work?
  • How can research data be anonymized?
  • Why are open formats desirable to propietary formats?

Format of the practical workshop for the Humanities

  • When: Monday, 5 May 2025, 9.00-13.30
  • Where: room 113, Via Festa del Perdono 7
  • How: workshops will be held in person following registration.
  • What to bring: your enthiusiasm, many questions, a pen and your laptop!
  • Language: english. An Italian edition of the workshop will be held in autumn, if you are interested in participating in it, please let us know at

Target audience:

PhD students, early-career, post-doc researchers



Format of the practical workshop for the Social and Political sciences

  • When: Monday 5 May 2025, 9.00-13.30
  • Where: Sala Lauree, Edificio 1, via Conservatorio 7
  • How: workshops will be held in person following registration.
  • What to bring: your enthiusiasm, many questions, a pen and your laptop!
  • Language: english. An Italian edition of the workshop will be held in autumn, if you are interested in participating in it, please let us know at

Target audience:

PhD students, early-career, post-doc researchers



To register to the workshops, please fill-in the registration forms below. Participation is guaranteed on a first-come first-serve basis, until the maximum number of participants is reached.

Your registration is considered successful if you receive the automatic email after the compilation of the form below. Three days before the workshop date, you will receive an email by the staff with further information.

Registration for the Humanities workshop

    * required

    * Role in UNIMI

    * Is this the first RDM training course you have ever attended?*

    Registration for the Social and Political Sciences workshop

      * required

      * Role in UNIMI

      * Is this the first RDM training course you have ever attended?*

      For any doubts or queries on the workshops, you can contact us at